
Learn more about Vocera.

Wearable Instant Voice Communication

The Vocera Communications System enables instant, wireless voice communication that users control with naturally spoken commands. This easy-to-use system is ideal for hospitals, hotels, retail store, and other in-building environments where mobile workers need to stay in contact to perform their jobs.

Organizations with in-building mobile workers waste huge amounts of time and money each year due to inefficient communication. Productivity diminishes when employees are unable to locate co-workers in a timely manner. These delays reduce an organization’s ability to be responsive, causing customer satisfaction to suffer.

The Vocera Communications System is a cost-effective tool for increasing staff productivity, effective use of resources, and customer satisfaction in all kinds of enterprises including hospitals, retail stores, hotels, and service organizations. Using voice prompts, Vocera instantly connects users to the people they need, thereby reducing phone tag, paging, overhead paging, or the need to physically search for a person.

The Vocera Communications System consists of two key components: the Vocera System Software that controls and manages call activity, and the Vocera Communications Badge, a lightweight, wearable, voice-controlled communication device that operates over a wireless LAN (802.11b/g). Together, the Vocera System Software and Badge, allow users to instantly communicate with others throughout a building or campus environment. Optional Vocera Telephony Solution Software enables users to make and receive telephone calls directly from their Badge through the PBX.